Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | September-October 2022

compiled by Lisa Kindrick and Laura Chapin | sorted by call number


Only the echoes: the life of Howard Bass Cushing by Kenneth A. Randall.
Las Cruces, N.M.: Yucca Tree Press, 1995.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
Biography Cushing


The Directory of North American railroads, associations, societies, archives, libraries, museums and their collections compiled by Holly T. Hansen.
Croydon, Utah: H.T. Hansen, 1999.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
385 Hansen


What’s a photo without the story? : how to create your family legacy by Hazel Thornton.
Albuquerque, NM: Hazel Thornton, 2021
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
808.02 Thornton

Family Histories

Carrillo family of San Antonio, New Mexico compiled by Johnnie Romero.
[Albuquerque, N.M.]: [Johnnie Romero], [202?].
(Donated by Johnnie Romero)
929.2 Carrillo

Works Progress Administration ledger for Refugio Carrillo, San Antonio, New Mexico, 1936-1939 by Refugio Carrillo.
[San Antonio, N.M.]: [Refugio Carrillo], [1936-1939].
(Donated by Johnnie Romero)
929.2 Carrillo

Eight generations after Thomas Cross Christmas (1690-1769) of Hanover County, Virginia by Ginger L. Christmas-Beattie.
Forest Grove, Oregon: Ancestral Tracks, 1999.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
929.2 Christmas

Zumwalt in the desert Southwest compiled and prepared by Bill and LaVonne Lee.
La Feria, Tex. (P.O. Box 321, La Feria, Tex., 78559): Bill and LaVonne Lee, [2004].
(Donated by Bill Lee)
929.2 Zumwalt


Pre-1855 gravestone inscriptions: ban index for Kincardineshire (the Mearns) edited by Alison Mitchell.
[Edinburgh]: Scottish Genealogy Society, 1999.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
941.24 Pre


XXV años de la Escuela de Genealogía, Heráldica y Nobiliaria.
Madrid: Hidalguía, 1985.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Escuela

Pleitos de hidalguía: extracto de sus expedientes que se conservan en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada correspondientes a la 1a parte del Reinado de Carlos I, 1516-1536 extractados y ordenados bajo la direccion de Manuel Ladron de Guevara e Isasa.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguia.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Pleitos Granada 1516-1536 (2 volumes)

Pleitos de hidalguía que se conservan en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (extracto de sus expedientes): Siglo XVII, reinado de Felipe IV extractados y ordenados bajo la dirección de Manuel Ladrón de Guevara e Isasa.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguia, 2013-2014.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Pleitos Valladolid 1621-1665 (2 volumes)

Pleitos de hidalguía: que se conservan en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (extracto de sus expedientes): Siglo XVII, reinado de Carlos II extractados y ordenados bajo la dirección de Manuel Ladrón de Guevara e Isasa.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguia, 2015.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Pleitos Valladolid 1665-1700 (2 volumes)

Procesos de habilitación de infanzones para acceder a los oficios de la Diputación del Reino de Aragón : que se conservan en el Archivo de la Diputación de Zaragoza extractados y ordenados bajo la dirección de Manuel Pardo de Vera y Díaz por María Luisa Martínez Gimeno, Daniel Jimeno Uriel.
Zaragoza: Ediciones Hidalguia, 2013.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.55 Procesos


Ukrainian genealogy: a beginner’s guide by John D. Pihach.
Edmonton, Alta.: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 2007.
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
947.7 Pihach


Partidos y padrones del obispado de Michoacán, 1680-1685 by Alberto Carrillo Dazarres.
Zamora, Mich., Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán: El Colegio de Michoacán, ©1996.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.37 Carrillo

West Virginia

Newspaper clippings of Harrison County, W. Va. and surrounding area: death notices, marriages … compiled by Reva Ashcraft.
Toronto, Ohio: Double Tree Research, [1988].
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
975.457 Ashcraft


Stafford County, Virginia, estate accounts 1764-1822 compiled by Jerrilynn Eby.
Berwyn Heights, Md.: Heritage Books, 2022.
(Donated by Charles Dibrell Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
975.526 Eby


The Guadalupe Mountains: island in the desert by W.C. Jameson.
El Paso, Tex: Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso, 1994.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
976.494 Jameson


Blue grass roots.
Kentucky Genealogical Society
V. 26-27 1999-2000
V. 35-36 2008-2009
Frankfort, Ky.: Kentucky Genealogical Society
(We now have v.1 1974-v.36 2009 thanks to donation by Mary Sliver)
976.905 Blue


The immigrant cocoon: Central Europeans in the Cambridge, Ohio coalfield by Lorle Porter.
[New Concord, Ohio]:L. Porter, 1994.
(Donated by Sonia Sabath)
977.192 Porter


Boer settlers in the Southwest by Brian M. du Toit.
El Paso, Texas: Texas Western Press, 1995.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
978 Du Toit

New Mexico

No challenge, no change: growing up Black in New Mexico by Charles E. Becknell, Sr.
Rio Rancho, N.M.: Jubilee Publications, 2003.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
978.9 Becknell

For good or bad: people of the Cimarron country compiled and edited by Stephen Zimmer.
Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1999.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
978.922 For

The Chapel of Our Lady of Talpa by William Wroth.
Colorado Springs, Colo.: Taylor Museum, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1979.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
978.953 Wroth

Bernalillo: between the river and a hard place by Martha Liebert.
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2021.
(Donated by Martha Liebert and the Charles Dibrell Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.957 Liebert

Santa Barbara Cemetery burials 1869-1924, Albuquerque, New Mexico, with tombstone transcriptions 1877-2013 & death certificates 1900-1940 compiled by Cheril Raub and Nancy Rogers.
2nd edition
Albuquerque, New Mexico: New Mexico Genealogical Society, 2022.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.961 Albuquerque Burials

Historic Lincoln NM: the buildings and people edited by Rich Eastwood.
[North Charleston, SC]: [CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform], [2015].
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter National Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.964 Historic

A history of the Mesilla Valley, 1903 by Maude Elizabeth McFie (Bloom); edited by Lansing B. Bloom; annotated by Jo Tice Bloom.
Las Cruces, N.M.: Yucca Tree Press, 1999.
(Donated by John P. Bloom, son of suffragist Maude McFie Bloom)
978.966 McFie

Datil: a hidden history of an historic New Mexico town: book 1 by Jim Wagner.
[Albuquerque, N.M.] : [Jim Wagner], [2022].
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.993 Wagner v.1

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