Looking Back on 2024: A Year In Review

submitted by Stuart Murray, AGS Vice President

The Albuquerque Genealogical Society had a good year in 2024. Under President Phil Spivey’s leadership, AGS is doing well, offering strong programs, services, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs), even while continuing to address and resolve ongoing issues.


The January 2024 business meeting saw installation of the following officers:

Phil Spivey, President

Stuart Murray, Vice-President

Laura Chapin, Secretary

Robert Harper, Treasurer

Carmen Alexander and David Wade, Directors-at-Large

With this slate of officers and the Committee Chairpersons, AGS continued to provide monthly programs and other services throughout the year.

Membership continues to be an issue plaguing many other organizations in addition to AGS. Shirley Atkinson, Membership Chair, reported we lost 20 net members at the end of the year. We currently have a total of 191 members (singles, duals, and 10 free one-year members).

Financially, AGS is in a good position. John Schlue, Bookkeeper, reported at the last Board meeting of 2024 that AGS was just shy of $39,000 in the bank. Throughout the year, AGS had income of $13,325.30, and expenses of $7,216.27. In summary, AGS earned more than it spent.

A bright spot for 2024 was eBay sales, managed by Laura Chapin. Laura continues to innovate the eBay website with special pricing and multiple book package sales. Laura reported $5,698.82 in net sales through November 2024 with 202 total books sold. The money from eBay sales continues to support book purchases and subscriptions for the Genealogy Center.

Sadly, Charlotte Green retired from chairing the semi-annual book sales held on the Genealogy Floor of the Main Library. Charlotte did a wonderful job collecting genealogy books, storing them at her home, cataloging, delivering, setting up, and chairing the book sales. Thank you, Charlotte, for your many years of dedication and hard work for AGS. Currently, the semi-annual book sales have been discontinued.

Also, Robert Harper is stepping down as Treasurer after at least five years of service. Thanks to Bob, he helped to keep AGS solvent paying the bills as they came in. We have had a running joke with Bob and John Schlue about purchasing a condo and retiring to a life of luxury. We still haven’t located that condo yet, but maybe the new treasurer might find out and let us know. Many thanks to Bob for helping keep AGS financially solvent.

AGS has provided many volunteer hours to the Albuquerque Library Genealogy Center, including in-person Research Days where we help others with their genealogy. Between the seven  volunteers who agreed to an ABQ Library background check, approximately 180 hours were donated. Many thanks to Bob Harper, Sue Johnston, Carmen Alexander, Bill Farmer, Lynda Katonak, Luanne Chowning, and Stuart Murray. Many more AGS members have given their time to help others at the Genealogy Center. And let’s not forget the Genealogy Center Staff: Lisa Kendrick, Laura Chapin, Sally Berg, and Clayton Roberts. We wouldn’t have these wonderful resources without their help.

Our SIGs have covered a variety of topics including DNA, Military, Celtic, and Creative Writing. The DNA SIG has found success in a round-table format on DNA topics. Chip Mansure led this group in 2024, but has now stepped back from hosting. Many thanks to Marty for stepping up to keep this vibrant group going.

The ABCs of DNA presentations continued with educational topics on the third Saturday of each month. The Military SIG still provides military genealogy programs from February through November. The Celtic SIG meets in the afternoon on Last Tuesday Research Day to discuss various Celtic topics. Linda Koch reported The Creative Writing of Family Stories SIG met seven times during 2024. She had success with a healthy attendance, with members reading topics ranged from autobiographical memories to portraits of ancestors’ history of immigration and resettling. The group is eager to meet and continue sharing in 2025.

Frankie Ewing, Hospitality Chair, provided correspondence to families of members who have passed away or were in this hospital in 2024. She also helped with providing and setting up refreshments for in-person AGS functions. Thank You, Frankie.

Marketing and Program Chair Tiffani Loiacono has provided leadership for both groups. Well done, Tiffani. The members of the Marketing Committee for 2024 were: Lark Robart Co-Chair; Tiffani Loiacono, Co-Chair; Philip Spivey; Stuart Murray; and Shirley Atkinson. Discussions covered the general marketing strategy of AGS and goals to expand outreach and advertising for the year. AGS began utilizing the free non-profit graphic design website, Canva, to help create and homogenize social media posts, flyers, and other marketing documents.

Programs, SIGs, and Research Days were advertised on our website and announced on Facebook and in the Genealogy Center ever month. AGS expanded its social media presence by creating an Instagram account. Tiffani revamped the tri-fold information brochure, and AGS continued advertising events at ConferenceKeepers web calendar and began adding posts to ConferenceKeeper the Group‘s Facebook page. AGS also expanded flyer distribution to the Corrales Library, Palmilla Senior Living Center, and several community/multigenerational centers. Several of our members also spoke about AGS at various groups in the community at different events around town.

To round out Tiffani’s many duties and accomplishments, she also served as the AGS representative to the National Genealogical Society. Tiffani is the conduit to NGS for national conferences, meetings, suggestions, and other programs. NGS also owns ConferenceKeeper.org where we list our upcoming programs and other AGS activities for national exposure to other organizations. Thank you, Tiffani!

In Memory

We also recognize and remember those members who passed this year: Don Pierce, John Farris, and Hugh Bivens.

Don Pierce, founding father of the OAF (Online Ancestry Finders) luncheons. This group meets at noon on the first Wednesday of the month with members and friends for lunch. They originally met at various restaurants until finally settling in at Copper Canyon Café on Gibson Blvd. Don was also a decorated Air Force veteran (Bronze Star). He ran a successful bookstore, was a ham operator, and an ancestor sleuth like the rest of us. Don convinced his son Steve to host the AGS website for many years, even though Steve lives in Minnesota. Click here for a piece written by AGS member Mike Blackledge, which includes a link to Don’s obituary.

John Farris, past president of AGS, also a USAF Veteran and engineer, loved to sing and play music. John was a man of many talents, and his list of accomplishments is lengthy. John and his wife Jo Margaret were active in the Presbyterian Church singing in the choir and serving on many committees. Not only a pilot, John’s other favorite hobby was genealogy. If you ever saw him in the Genealogy Center, he always had a smile and a story of some kind. But please read his obituary, located here, as this paragraph doesn’t do him justice.

Hugh Bivens, a retired Sandia National Laboratories engineer and USAF veteran, passed away in June. After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech, he also served in the USAF as a radar observer flying in F-89s. He was hired by Sandia after graduating from Georgia Tech, and lived in Albuquerque his whole career. His obituary is located here.

In Closing

Committee reports by various 2024 officers and committee chairs are listed below. Phil Spivey commented to me that he thought he hadn’t done much as President of AGS. But I would beg to differ with him. As you will see, his leadership was invaluable to keeping AGS active and vibrant in 2024.

There is a core group of volunteers that keep AGS going and without them, AGS wouldn’t be 52 years young and functioning. 

Reports from AGS Officers and Committee Chairpersons

We began the year with 147 single memberships and 32 dual memberships for a total of 211 members. In the recent year, we added 25 fully paid members, five free six-month trial memberships, and 13 free one-year memberships. Our renewal rate dropped off, so we closed the year with 131 single memberships, 25 dual memberships, and 10 one-year free memberships for a total of 191 members, a net loss of 20 members. -Shirley Atkinson, Membership Chair

Creative Writing SIG

The Creative Writing of Family Stories SIG met seven times during 2024.  An additional meeting was canceled due to an unavoidable dearth of tech support.  The highest attendance number for a single meeting was 15.  Five meetings were in double digits, with only two slightly below 10.  Because attendance varies from month to month, there are many more participants than 15.  The writings that were shared ranged from autobiographical memories to portraits of ancestor histories of immigration and resettling.  This SIG is a dedicated group eager to meet and share. -Linda Koch, Chair

Celtic Research SIG

The Celtic Research SIG, c0-moderated by Lark Robart and Marty Brady, met on the last Tuesday of each month, January through November. The meetings were hybrid (in-person at the Genealogy Center and online via Zoom). Lark and Marty rotated giving short presentations or sharing news on relevant topics, followed by a round-table discussion of SIG members. In May of 2024, members of the group and other AGS members participated in the two-day Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival. Unfortunately, the second day was cut short due to high winds, but the event was otherwise successful. A total of $432.19 was spent on marketing materials for the AGS table. Twenty-two individuals signed up to receive AGS email announcements and the eNews, a number of books and other items were given away, and several hundred individuals visited our table. Several new individuals also joined AGS that day. Many thanks to the AGS volunteers who volunteered their time, including myself, Tiffani Loiacono, Laura Chapin, Judy Liddell, Philip Spivey, Mike Barger, Charlotte Green, and Cynthia Vaughan. -Lark Robart, Co-Chair


According to Bob Harper, Treasurer, the Condo has not been paid off yet. This has been a running gag for a long time. Bob is retiring from the position and has done a wonderful job maintaining the finances for AGS, along with John Schlue, AGS Bookkeeper. We currently have a healthy balance in the bank. Our thanks to Bob for being our Treasurer. He and John have kept AGS in the money for a long time and we couldn’t provide programs and books that are purchased for the Genealogy Center without their help. -Stuart Murray, Vice president


Frankie Ewing, Hospitality Chair, sent condolence letters to AGS members and family members who lost a loved one or were ill. She also sent a thank you note to an AGS member who gave us a large donation. And as always, she set up refreshments for the AGS January annual business meeting and December Holiday Show and Tell Party. Frankie also worked a shift at the Presbyterian Healthy Aging Event. -Frankie Ewing, Chair

eBay Book Sales

Summary of eBay sales in 2024: $7,340.00 total sales; $5,698.82 net sales after label costs deducted; 202 total books sold. -Laura Chapin, Chair


The members of the Marketing Committee for 2024 were: Tiffani Loiacono and Lark Robart, Co-Chairs; Philip Spivey; Stu Murray; Shirley Atkinson.

The Marketing Committee met this year to talk about the general marketing strategy of AGS and their goals to expand outreach and advertising for the year. They began utilizing the free non-profit graphic design website Canva, and used it to help create and homogenize social media posts, flyers, and other marketing documents.

Programs, SIGs, and Research Days were advertised on the AGS website and announced on Facebook and in the library monthly. Social media presence was expanded by creating an Instagram account. The tri-fold information brochure and applications were revamped. And the group continued advertising events on the ConferenceKeepers web calendar and began posting on Conference Keeper the Groups Facebook page. Flyer distribution was expanded to include the Corrales Library, Palmilla Senior Living Center, and several community/multigenerational centers. Several  members also spoke about AGS at different events around.

In April, AGS participated in the Presbyterian Healthy Living Event held at Sandia Resort and Casino. Lark Robart and Lisa Kindrick gave two presentations to several hundred individuals, where they discussed the many services and resources that AGS and the Albuquerque Genealogy Center have to offer. Many AGS volunteers also assisted in helping out at the AGS table, answering questions of the many attendees who visited the table, resulting in 35 new individuals added to our email list, as well as several new members. A total of $709.22 was spent on marketing materials for that event. Many thanks to the AGS volunteers who volunteered their time, including Cynthia Vaughan, Carl Malone, Marty Brady, Stuart Murray, Frankie Ewing, Laura Chapin, Chip Mansure and Philip Spivey.


The members of the program committee for 2024 were: Tiffani Loiacono, Chairperson; Frankie Ewing; Laura Weber; Victoria Sullivan; Philip Spivey; Marty Brady; Molly Shannon; and Stuart Murray.

The programs for 2024 and part of 2025 were planned in 2023. And details for each program were posted on the AGS website calendar page, and announced on Facebook, Instagram, and in the Genealogy Center on a monthly basis. The program chair confirmed arrangements with the speakers, introduced them at the meeting, and all went as planned. All programs were hybrid presentations (in-person in the Genealogy Center and online via Zoom), with the exception of the August and December in-person-only meetings.

In May, representatives of AGS attended the Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival. And in September, AGS members toured Historical Fairview Cemetery.

At the August 2024 Summer Stories meeting, program ideas were solicited from the membership. A survey was also sent to the membership in October to solicit ideas for programs for 2026. Thirty six members responded to the survey. These ideas were discussed at the November program committee meeting. Follow-up emails will continue as future programs are filled.

Program Titles and Descriptions for 2025 are as follows: 


Program for Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Annual Business Meeting with Election and Installation of Officers

Description of Program:  During our January meeting, we will elect and install officers for the coming year.  Then we will review our 2020 activities and preview plans for 2021.


Program for Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Record As You Go, Cite As You Go, & File As You Go

Speaker: Cyndi Ingle

Description of Program: Genealogists tend to get very excited about new records and sources they come across in their research. So much so that they grab a quick copy, download it to default folders, and move on to the next item without thoroughly exploring the source first. All too often they don’t take the time to evaluate the source, to write the citation(s) for the source, or to file it in the correct spot. We have to slow down and take the time to think, file, and create notes about the source that make it easy to find that source again if needed. Doing this keeps our research more organized, but also keeps our research brain tidy as well. We are much more productive when we can easily put our hands on what we’ve found in the past. We will explore different options for accomplishing all of these important steps.


Program for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Find My Past

Speaker: Selina Draper

Description of Program: Find My Past will give an overview of their website and record sets that can be found there.


Program for Wednesday, April 9, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Moving Stories: Push, Pull, and the Power of Peers in Migration

Speaker: Susan Goss Johnston

Description of Program: “Where did they come from?” “Where did they go?” “Is the John Smith who died in Wisconsin the one who grew up in Pennsylvania?” Whether your subject disappeared from Connecticut after the Revolutionary War or appeared out of the blue in Idaho in 1875, understanding migration dynamics will provide important research clues and prepare a strong foundation for research conclusions. These small case studies illustrate migration dynamics in action.


Program for Wednesday, May 14, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Genealogical Estate Planning

Speaker: Karen Jones, Family Historian and AGS member

Description of Program: Most of us genealogists have spent thousands of hours doing research and collecting records of past generations.  How much time have we spent preparing to pass on our treasures to the coming generations?  We, of all people, know the uncertainty of life.  What can we do to ensure that our work will survive us?  Karen Jones will share with us a step-by-step process for preparing our work to be distributed when we are gone.”


Program for Wednesday, June 11, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid


Speaker: Christopher Smothers

Description of Program: COMING SOON!


Program for Wednesday, July 9, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: American Ancestors hosted the 36th ICGHS with Keynote speaker Henry Louis Gates, Jr. PhD.

Speaker: Jeryl Surad

Description of Program: Jeryl Surad will give a brief talk on the prestigious event hosted by American Ancestors and the New England Historic Genealogical Society of the 36th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences (ICGHS), which was held in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Old South Church on September 24 -28, 2024. The theme was Origins, Journeys, and Destinations. Fifty-plus speakers discussed the benefits and future of Genealogy, DNA, and Heraldic Sciences at this four-day international conference.  It was a privilege to have been invited to talk about the migration of my Fuller and Olin families. I am happy to share my talk in Boston, A Portrait of a Pioneering Family in the Great Migration West, speaking as Althea Olin Fuller, my great-great-grandmother.


Program for Wednesday, August 13, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) in Person

Title: Summer Stories

Speakers: Everyone!

Description of Program: For many years, we have had an annual storytelling meeting where we can share our accomplishments with like-minded family researchers.  Since many of us are in families who are not enthusiastic about family history research, we need to take time to listen, encourage, help, rejoice, or sympathize with each other.  We will divide into small groups that allow everyone to tell of their recent genealogical adventures.  We also will collect ideas for next year’s programs.


Program for Wednesday, September 10, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: AI and Genealogy

Speaker: Nicole Dyer

Description of Program:  Learn to use ChatGPT and other AI tools to help you become more efficient with genealogy writing projects – whether it be a research report to yourself, a family history narrative, or a proof argument.


Program for Wednesday, October 8, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Finding Clara

Speaker: Jeryl Surad

Description of Program: Finding Clara is a result of a single genealogical lead that became a family mystery in 1972. My great-grandfather, Charles Emery Fuller, and his first wife, Martha, had a daughter named Clara in 1875. She was born in Northfield, Minnesota. My mother did not know of Clara or that he had been previously married because there was no family history, stories, or photos handed down of Clara or her mother. The one thing I knew for sure was the more family history I found, the more I knew there was more to find! I have enjoyed traveling to the towns and cities my ancestors once lived across America. I published my Fuller family’s history in, Finding Clara: The Biography of Clara Fuller and Her Colonial Ancestors, 1875 – 1638, published in 2022.


Program for Wednesday, November 12, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Hybrid

Title: Our Veteran’s Voices: Armistice Day – Why We Remember!

Speaker:  Stu Murray

Description of Program: COMING SOON!


Program for Wednesday, December 10, 2025 (10:30 a.m. to noon) Main Library 2nd floor

Title: Show and Tell at the Holiday Party

Description of Program: In December, we have our annual holiday party and a time of fellowship to celebrate another successful year of genealogy.  Bring your special heirloom, item of genealogical interest, or success story to share with us all.  We encourage attendees to come in costumes of their native lands or the clothing of an ancestor.  Members are also invited to bring a holiday dish to share during the party time. We love to end the year on a high note!


Phil Spivey’s Summary of AGS Key Accomplishments in 2024
Membership and Marketing
  •          Retention and Growth Initiatives: Conducted outreach to delinquent members through letters and implemented strategies like membership discounts at events. Expanded flyer distribution to community centers and senior facilities to raise awareness and encourage participation.
  •          Improved Online Presence: Approved marketing budgets for Facebook boosts and implemented digital outreach through platforms like Instagram and ConferenceKeeper. Tested new strategies in the eBay bookstore, including free shipping to boost sales.
  •          Survey Implementation: Gathered member feedback through surveys to shape future programs and SIG topics.
Programs and Events
  •          Diverse Monthly Programs: Hosted engaging topics, including presentations on Canadian research, AI in genealogy, and cemetery walks at Fairview Cemetery, boosting event participation and awareness.
  •          Special Interest Groups: Continued strong support for SIGs, including DNA, Military Research, and Creative Writing, with tailored programming and outreach to new members.
  •          Collaborative Efforts: Supported the Historic Fairview Cemetery Association through event ticket sales and explored additional ways to assist in cemetery research.
Technology and Operations
  •          Genealogy Center Updates: Approved funding for backup drives and continued assessing and improving LAN infrastructure. Incorporated new eBooks and resources to enhance offerings.
  •          Hybrid Meetings: Ensured continued hybrid meeting capabilities for accessibility and member convenience, including technological upgrades to support remote voting during the annual business meeting.
Community Engagement
  •          Outreach Events: Participated in the Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival, Presbyterian Healthy Aging event, and other community gatherings to expand AGS’s reach and recruit members.
  •          Donations and Collaboration: Accepted significant donations of books and genealogy materials, integrating them into the Genealogy Center’s resources for public use.
  •          Leadership Transition: Successfully planned for the 2025 leadership transition, including filling critical board roles.
  •          Discontinued eJournal: Streamlined resources by discontinuing the eJournal while focusing on other member benefits and communication channels.
Here is a month-by-month summary of the key decisions made by the Albuquerque Genealogical Society (AGS) Board for each month of 2024, excluding procedural votes:
January 2024
  1.     Approval of Canva for Non-Profit Account: The Board approved applying for a Canva for Non-Profit account to aid in marketing and presentation creation.
  1.     Hotspot Discussion: The Board discussed acquiring a hotspot to address Wi-Fi issues during meetings, with a decision deferred to February.
  1.     Event Participation: Approved AGS participation in the Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival on May 4-5, 2024, with volunteers solicited.
  1.     Family Tree Maker Event: Scheduled an online Family Tree Maker presentation for March 9, 2024.
February 2024
  1.     Marketing Budget: Approved a $180 budget for six months to boost Facebook posts advertising monthly meetings.
  1.     Director-at-Large Replacement: Began seeking a replacement for Diana Schultz as Director-at-Large.
  1.     MailChimp Subscription Upgrade: Approved a $20 monthly MailChimp subscription upgrade to improve analytics and scheduling features.
  1.     Zoom Access Reallocation: Reallocated Zoom access from Victoria Sullivan to Tiffani Loiacono due to a greater need for programming meetings.
  1.     Promotional Strategy: Discussed Facebook ad strategies, data tracking, and cross-marketing opportunities to increase membership.
March 2024

No key decisions were explicitly documented in the March minutes. Discussions focused on marketing strategies and SIG (Special Interest Group) activities.

April 2024
  1.     Membership Discounts: Considered using discounts and QR codes to boost memberships at events, with further discussion planned in the Marketing Committee.
  1.     Recorded Programs: Evaluated shifting recorded programs to YouTube for wider accessibility, balancing this with member benefits.
  1.     eJournal Distribution: Decided to send the eJournal to everyone on the mailing list (members and non-members) to increase readership and submissions.
  1.     Celtic Festival Preparation: Approved ordering a new AGS banner, paying for parking and tickets for festival volunteers, and leveraging map resources.
May 2024
  1.     Director-at-Large Appointment: Approved Carmen Alexander as Director-at-Large.
  1.     Genealogy Book Purchases: Discussed allocating funds to purchase books for the library, with $500 identified as the potential budget.
  1.     Marketing Outreach: Expanded distribution lists to include senior centers and libraries. Approved continued outreach efforts at local events.
June 2024
  1.     NGS Donation: Approved a $250 donation to the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Bounty Land project, replacing a $1-per-member contribution.
  1.     Speaker’s Bureau: Continued work on integrating a Speaker’s Bureau into the AGS website for future use.
  1.     LAN Transition: Explored transitioning LAN data to the library database and removing outdated equipment.
  1.     DNA SIG Support: Discussed coverage for DNA SIG activities during Chip Mansure’s absence.
July 2024
  1.     Backup Drives for Computers: Approved a $400 expense for backup drives for Genealogy Center computers.
  1.     Fairview Cemetery Walk: Announced and prepared for the September 14, 2024, event.
  1.     Military SIG Display: Proposed a display at the Genealogy Center in May 2025 to honor Memorial Day.
August 2024
  1.     WWII Oral Histories Purchase: Approved the purchase of the “The Things Our Father Saw” series of WWII oral histories as eBooks for the library.
  1.     Genealogy Donations: Accepted multiple genealogy research and book donations, including a large collection from Margery Lewis.
September 2024
  1.     Amazon Non-Profit Account: Approved exploring an Amazon non-profit account for AGS purchases.
  1.     Membership Letters: Decided to send physical letters to delinquent members to encourage renewals.
  1.     Survey for Member Preferences: Planned a Google survey to gather input on programs and SIG topics.
  1.     eJournal Discontinued: Decided to discontinue the eJournal due to resource constraints.
  1.     Free Shipping for eBay Bookstore: Tested and approved a strategy of offering free shipping with a 20% price increase to cover costs.
October 2024
  1.     Fairview Cemetery Collaboration: Supported fundraising efforts for the Historic Fairview Cemetery Association and discussed increasing AGS involvement in cemetery research.
  1.     Christmas Party Planning: Scheduled the AGS Christmas party for December 11, 2024.
November 2024
  1.     2025 Officer Recruitment: Planned member outreach and a social event to recruit new officers for 2025 due to critical vacancies.
  1.     2025 Calendar Progress: Finalized most of the 2025 program calendar.
December 2024
  1.     2025 Leadership Installation: Scheduled the installation of 2025 officers during the January annual business meeting.
  1.     Community Center Collaboration: Expanded flyer distribution to local community centers.
  1.     Genealogy Center Equipment: Planned adjustments for hybrid meeting technology to accommodate remote voting during the January meeting.
AGS Officers (2024)

Philip Spivey, President

Stuart Murray, Vice-President

Laura Chapin, Secretary

Lark Robart, Past President

Robert Harper, Treasurer

Carmen Alexander, Director at Large (2nd consecutive term)

David Wade, Director at Large (1st consecutive term)

AGS Committee Chairs (2024)

Rosemary McNerney Winkler, Blog Editor

John Schlue, Bookkeeper

Shirley Atkinson, Database Manager/Directory

Laura Chapin, eBay Bookstore

Victoria Sullivan, Education

Laura Weber, Lark Robart, eNewsletter

Ginny-Kay Massara, Historian

Frankie Ewing, Hospitality

Tiffani Loiacono, Marketing

Shirley Atkinson, Membership

Tiffani Loiacono, Programs

Mike Wilson, Webmaster

AGS Special Interest Groups and Expert Advisors (2024)

Lark Robart and Marty Brady, Celtic Research SIG

Linda Koch, Creative Writing of Family Stories SIG

Chip Mansure, DNA SIG

Lisa Kindrick, Genealogy Center

Ginny-Kay Massara, Huguenot Research

Ginny-Kay Massara, Magna Carta

Lynda Katonak, Research Day Coordinator (3rd Tuesday online, Last Tuesday in-person)

Philip Spivey, 3rd Saturday online consultations

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