Publications of The Albuquerque Genealogical Society

In past years,  AGS has published over 100 books with information of value to genealogists researching family in New Mexico, especially in Albuquerque. Now those books have been put online to make them more widely available. The driving force in producing these books was Howard W. Henry, to whom we owe a debt of thanks.

They are all posted on the Internet Archive, and it is possible to see all of them together at this link: (It normally starts in thumbnail view, but if you click on the five horizontal lines at the upper right, you can switch to list view. In list view, the number of VIEWS is shown for each document, a VIEW being either a download or looking at the document in the online viewer.

If you prefer to see the books grouped by subject area, you’ll find them under the PUBLICATIONS tab in the drop-down menu under GENEALOGY RESOURCES.


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