AGS Monthly Meeting and Program: Record As You Go, Cite As You Go, & File As You Go
Join us for a short business meeting, followed by a presentation by Cyndi Ingle.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Genealogists tend to get very excited about new records and sources they come across in their research. So much so that they grab a quick copy, download it to default folders, and move on to the next item without thoroughly exploring the source first. All too often they don’t take the time to evaluate the source, to write the citation(s) for the source, or to file it in the correct spot. We have to slow down and take the time to think, to file, and to create notes about the source that make it easy to find that source again if needed. Doing this keeps our research more organized, but also keeps our research brain tidy as well. We are much more productive when we can easily put our hands on what we’ve found in the past. We will explore different options for accomplishing all of these important steps.
Cyndi Ingle has been a genealogist for more than 43 years, is the creator and innovator behind the award-winning and globally recognized CyndisList.com. Cyndi is an expert in using technology for genealogy, research in the United States and bringing together traditional methodology with organization, computers, software, and the Internet. She is an internationally-known guest lecturer, and she has authored numerous articles and three books. Cyndi is the Executive Director for the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research. She is a columnist for the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly.
This event is currently scheduled as a HYBRID EVENT. Come join us in person at the Albuquerque Main Library, Genealogy Center on the 2nd floor (see LOCATION information on the right), or online (see link below to register).
CLICK TO REGISTERAfter filling out the registration form, you will receive an email confirming your registration.