AGS Monthly Meeting and Program: Moving Stories: Push, Pull, and the Power of Peers in Migration
Join us for a short business meeting, followed by a presentation by Susan Johnston.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: “Where did they come from?” “Where did they go?” “Is the John Smith who died in Wisconsin really the one who grew up in Pennsylvania?” Whether your subject disappeared from Connecticut after the Revolutionary War or appeared out of the blue in Idaho in 1875, understanding migration dynamics will provide important research clues and prepare a strong foundation for research conclusions. These small case studies illustrate migration dynamics in action.
Sue Johnston has been pursuing genealogy for about forty years and feels fortunate to have begun her research when living in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. There, she was able to learn from the records held by the National Archives, eventually beginning her professional research specializing in pre-WWI military records and federal land records.
She has completed the Advanced Methodology and Evidence Analysis course at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, attended the National Institute of Genealogical Research (now the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records), and is a 2011 Pro-Gen alumna.
Sue is a co-editor of Source Templates for The Master Genealogist and has written articles for NGS Magazine, the most recent being “An Underutilized Treasure: Bounty Land Warrant Applications” (April-June 2020).
She moved to Albuquerque in 2016 when her husband retired. She’s looking forward to volunteering again at the library, where she finally discovered a use for her fourth-grade Spanish. Her personal research focuses on families in New England and the Mid-Atlantic region.
This event is currently scheduled as a HYBRID EVENT. Come join us in person at the Albuquerque Main Library, Genealogy Center on the 2nd floor (see LOCATION information on the right), or online (see link below to register).
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