by AGS member Rosemary McNerney Winkler
The Saloon Owner

The Switch-Engine Engineer

His wife, Pansy Woodward Tischhauser, taught Duplicate Bridge for many years. A Bridge team consists of four players. They are split into two pairs, and one pair sits North-South on one table while the other sits East-West on a second. A second team takes the opposing slots, and each table plays the exact same boards. [In other words, every table at the Bridge event plays the same hand. Whichever team scores highest wins.] My grandmother traveled all over the country competing in Bridge tournaments with her friend Felice Hilton Brown, sister of Conrad Hilton. They rode free on AT&SF trains and enjoyed free Hilton hotel rooms! A person who won enough times became a Life Master which Pansy did. She was fond of saying, “The worst day playing Bridge is better than the best day cleaning house.”
The Cooper

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