Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | May-August 2023

Compiled by Lisa Kindrick and Laura Chapin. Sorted by call number.

Unlocking the files of the FBI: a guide to its records and classification system by Gerald K. Haines and David A. Langbart.
Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources,1993.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
026.3 Haines
Hispanic reflections on the American landscape: identifying and interpreting Hispanic heritage:
Reflejos Hispanos en el paisaje Americano identificación e interpretación de la herencia Hispania by Brian D. Joyner.
[Washington, D.C.]: National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 2009.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
305.868 Joyner
The Big Idea Book of Heritage Memories by Jesse Lee Young.
Escondido, CA: Primedia Inc., 2001.
(Donated by Judy Liddell)
745.953 Young
Alaska atlas & gazetteer: topo maps of the entire state by DeLorme Mapping Company.
Yarmouth, Me.: DeLorme, 1998.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
912.73 Alaska 1998
California atlas & gazetteer by DeLorme Mapping Company.
Yarmouth, Me. : DeLorme, 2011.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
912.73 California 2011
Nebraska atlas & gazetteer: detailed topographic maps by DeLorme Mapping Company.
Yarmouth, Me. : DeLorme, 2000.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
912.73 Nebraska 2000
Becoming an excellent genealogist: essays on professional research skills edited by Kory L.
Meyerink, Tristan L. Tolman, and Linda K. Gulbrandsen.
Salt Lake City, Utah: ICAPGen, 2012.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster Family)
929.1 Becoming
The Portable genealogist by Christopher Challender Child.
Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011-2017.
(Donated by Nancy Tucker)
929.1 Portable
Generation by generation: a modern approach to the basics of genealogy by Drew Smith.
Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2023.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
929.1 Smith
The Voice of the past: oral history by Paul Thompson with Joanna Bornat.
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2017.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
929.1 Thompson
Abbey—Ashman, two colonial and pioneering families of North America by Margaret Abbey
(Ashman) Shannon.
Albuquerque, NM: Copper Ave. Press, 2021.
(Donated by Molly Shannon)
929.2 Abbey
Bush genealogy by Ann Shivers Bush.
Pine Bluff, Ark: Ann Shivers Bush, 1967.
(Donated by Nancy Tucker)
929.2 Bush
The Mill at Ower Bridge: a history of the Hennellys by John J. Hennelly Jr.
Santa Fe, N.M.: John Hennelly, 2021.
(Donated by John J. Hennelly Jr. and Lark Robart)
929.2 Hennelly
Jesse and Frank James: the family history by Phillip W. Steele.
Gretna, La.: Pelican Pub., 1987.
(Donated by Margery Brown Lewis)
929.2 James
The Descendants of Robert Kay of South Carolina compiled by James E. Kay.
Sumter, S.C.: Kay Family Association, 1988.
929.2 Kay
400 years with a New England Lewes-Lewis family by Barbara Williams Lewis.
Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1990.
(Donated by Margery Brown Lewis)
929.2 Lewis
Somerset homecoming: recovering a lost heritage by Dorothy Spruill Redford with Michael
New York: Anchor Books, 1989.
929.2 Littlejohn
The Pretlows and the Paddisons: early families of Virginia and North Carolina by Carolyn P.
San Antonio, TX: Carolyn Pretlow Tobin, 2002.
(Donated by Carolyn Pretlow Tobin)
929.2 Pretlow
Our Treaster family in American: from Tröster to Treaster by Melba Mauck Treaster.
Fort Collins, Colorado: Queen Publishing Company, 2020.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster Family)
929.2 Treaster
They all came to Kansas: the Mauck, Reece, Holmes, and Warren Families by Melba Mauck
Fort Collins, CO: Queen Publishing Company, 2012.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster family)
929.2 Treaster
South African surnames by Eric Rosenthal.
Cape Town, South Africa: H. Timmins, 1965.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
929.44 African
Lands of the German Empire and beyond by Wendy K. Uncapher.
Columbus, Ohio: AugenSchaer Publishing Company, 2008.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster family)
943 Uncapher
Actas de la XI Reunion cientifica de la Fundacion Espanola de Historia Moderna: ponencias y
conferencias invitadas edited by Juan Luis Castellano and Miguel Luis Lopez-Guadalupe
Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada, 2012.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Fundacion
La casa Diaz-Miranda: la historia de un familia del Concejo de Grado unida a la historia de
Asturias by Jesús Junquera Prats.
Oviedo, Spain: Academia Asturiana de Heráldica y Genealogía, con la colaboración del Colegio
Heráldico de España y de las Indias,1995.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Diaz
Los panteones de los Herrera en Plaenzuela: la capilla mayor del convent de San Francisco y
la capilla de San Bartolome en la Iglesia de San Juan by Maria Luisa martin Anson and Concepcion Abad Castro.
Palencia, Spain: Institucion Tello Tellez de Meneses, Academia Palentina de Historia, letras y
Bellas Artes, 2014.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.2 Martin
Valer más en la tierra: poder, violencia y linaje en el País Vasco Bajomedieval by Torre Gonzalo, Sandra de la.
Madrid : Silex, 2020
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.6 Valer
El reino de Sevilla en la Baja Edad Media: 30 años de investigación (1989-2019) edited by Isabel
Montes Romero-Camacho.
Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2022.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.86 Reino
The Spanish borderlands: a chronicle of old Florida and the Southwest by Herbert E. Bolton.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1996.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
970.016 Bolton 1996
Relacion secreta de conquistadores: informes del archivo personal del emperador Carlos I que
se conserva en la Biblioteca del Escorial, años de 1539-1542 by Mariano González-Leal.
[Guanajuato, Mexico]: Taller de Investigaciones Humanísticas de la Universidad de Guanajuato,
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.02 Relacion
Noticias genealogicas sobre familias del antiguo obispado de Michoacán 1700-1730 by
Armando M. Escobar Olmedo.
Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico: [ publisher not identified], 2022.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.37 Escobar v.3
Archivos parroquiales de Aguascalientes: siglo XVII by Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino.
San Jose, California: D. Mendez Camino, 2011.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.42 Aguascalientes
Biographies of original members and qualifying officers: Society of the Cincinnati in the State of
Connecticut edited by J. Michael Phelps.
Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2023.
(Donated by Frankie Ewing)
973.3406 Phelps (3 volumes)
To these parents: a compendium of Pennsylvania German Taufscheine by Jon Charles Acker.
Marion, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania German Society, 2020-2021.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster)
974.8 Acker (2 volumes)
Military services and genealogical records of soldiers of Blair County, Pennsylvania by Floyd G.
Hollidaysburg, Pa.: [publisher not identified], 1940.
(Donated by Melba L. Treaster family)
974.875 Hoenstine
Forgotten companions: the first settlers of Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg town (with notes on early land use) by Paula S. Felder.
Fredericksburg, Va.: Historic Publications of Fredericksburg, 1982.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
975.5365 Felder
Fromajadas and Indigo: the Minorcan colony in Florida by Kenneth E. Beeson, Jr.
Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2006.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
975.918 Beeson
The Settlement of Illinois, 1700-1850 by Victor Hicken.
Macomb, Ill.: Western Illinois University,1966.
977.3 Illinois
Colorado’s Mrs. Captain Ellen Jack: mining queen of the Rockies by Jane M. Bardal.
Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2023.
(Donated by Jane Bardal)
978.8 Bardal
Nothing is long ago: a documentary history of Colorado, 1776-1976: a catalogue of the exhibit in the Denver Public Library commemorating the 100th anniversary of Colorado’s statehood and
the 200th anniversary of the Republic’s independence.
Denver, Colo.: Denver Public Library,1976.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
978.8 Nothing
Light in Yucca land, 1852-1952 by Sister Richard Marie Barbour.
Louisville: General Printing Co.,1982.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
978.9 Catholic
Spanish archives of New Mexico. SANM I, Land records of New Mexico: listing by date
compiled by Julian Josue Vigil.
Albuquerque, N.M.: Center for Southwest Research, Zimmerman Library, University of New
(Donated by the Center for Southwest Research – UNM)
978.9 Vigil SANM I
Knights of the sixgun: a diary of gunfighters, outlaws, and villains of New Mexico by Bob
Las Cruces, N.M.: Yucca Tree Press, 1991.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
978.904 L’Aloge
National Guard of the state of New Mexico: pictorial 1939 review by New Mexico, Office of the
Adjutant General.
Atlanta: Army-Navy Publishers, 1940.
(Donated by Nancy Tucker)
978.9052 National
Children of Los Alamos: an oral history of the town where the atomic age began by Katrina R. Mason.
New York: Prentice Hall International, 1995.
(Donated by Margery Brown Lewis)
978.958 Mason
Major Avenue: a microcosm of the North Valley by Francelle E. Alexander.
Los Ranchos, New Mexico: Francelle Alexander, 2022.
(Donated by Francelle E. Alexander)
978.961 Alexander
My life on the frontier, 1864-1882 by Miguel Antonio Otero.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1987, 1935.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
Biography Otero

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