Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | March-April 2023

Compiled by Lisa Kindrick and Laura Chapin. Sorted by call number.

Spanish pioneers in United States history: the Melungeons, the pioneers of the interior southeastern United States, 1526-1997 by Eloy J. Gallegos.
Knoxville, Tenn.: Villagra Press, 1997.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
305.8 Gallegos
Mastering Spanish handwriting and documents: 1520-1820 by George R. Ryskamp, Peggy
Ryskamp, H. Leandro Soria.
Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2023.
(Donated by Henrietta Christmas and the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
467.02 Ryskamp
Shimmering images: a handy little guide to writing memoir by Lisa Dale Norton.
New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2008.
(Donated by Judy Liddell)
808.02 Norton
The Memoir project: a thoroughly non-standardized text for writing & life by Marion Roach
New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2011.
(Donated by Judy Liddell)
808.02 Smith
The Andersons: a family history by Meta Kathleen (Kay) Anderson Stanley.
Grants Pass, OR: Meta Kathleen Anderson Stanley,1999.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
929.2 Anderson
The Pioneer Squire Barker family by Marjorie and Robert Phillips.
Arlington, Va.: HARP Enterprises,1996.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
929.2 Barker
Los Covarruvias, familia cristiana, de sabios, amiga de Dios by José Fernández Montaña.
Madrid, Spain: Hijos de Gregorio del Amo, 1935.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
929.2 Covarrubias
Harrowing adventures of an old-time cowboy and sheriff as told by Carl Hansen; edited and
published by Clarence S. and Joan N. Adams.
Roswell, N.M.: Old-Time Publications, 1989.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
929.2 Hansen
Adventures with the ancestors by Karen Wendleton Jones.
Albuquerque, N.M.: Heritage Place Productions, 2023.
(Donated by Karen Wendleton Jones)
929.2 Jones
Enciclopedia heráldica y genealógica hispano-americana by Alberto y Arturo García Carraffa
Madrid, Spain: Impr. de A. Marzo, 1919-1963.
v.24 Carondelet-Casquero and v.50 Lazcano-Lizarraga.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
929.76 Garcia
Familia: Ulster genealogical review by Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild.
Belfast: Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild,1985-.
(Donated by John Farris)
941.605 Familia no.38 2022
Armas y linajes de Asturias y antiguedades del principado by Tirso de Aviles.
Oviedo, Spain: Grupo Editorial Asturiano, 1991.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Aviles
Oviedo y el Principado de Asturias a fines de la Edad Media by Margarita Cuartas Rivero.
Oviedo, Spain: Principado de Asturias, Instituto de Estudios Asturianos,1983.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Cuartas
Ascenso de una casa asturiana: los Vigil de Quiñones, Marqueses de Santa Cruz de
Marcenado by Juan Díaz Álvarez.
Oviedo, Spain: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 2006.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Diaz
Escamprero y los Areces, escuderos de las regueras: la pequeña nobleza rural asturiana en la
Baja Edad Media by Jesύs Antonio González Calle.
Oviedo, Spain: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 2002.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Gonzalez
El Marqués de Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 300 años después by various authors.
Oviedo, Spain: Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 1985.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Marques
Los Siglos de Oro de Tuña, cuna de liustres varones de la nobleza Asturiana by Zoilo Méndez Garcia.
Valladoid, Spain: Maxtor, 2013.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Mendez
Ilustres y mandones: la aristocracia de Asturias en el siglo XVIII by Alfonso Menéndez González.
Oviedo, Spain: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 2004.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Menendez
Heráldica de los apellidos asturianos by Francisco Sarandeses.
Oviedo: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 1994.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Sarandeses
Estudios sobre la Baja Edad Media asturiana: (Asturias de los siglos XIII al XVI) by Juan Uria Rui.
Oviedo, Spain: Biblioteca Popular Asturiana, 1979.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Uria
Los Valdés: una casa nobiliaria en el Gijón de los siglos XVI y XVII by Lucia Fernandez
Oviedo, Spain: Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.19 Valdez
Historia de la muy noble y leal villa de Palenzuela, conjunto histórico artístico nacional by Lázaro de Castro García.
Palencia, Spain, 1969.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.2 Palenzuela
Royal Automobile Club’s map of Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden: Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt,1930.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
948.5 Atlas 1930
Jews in the Canary Islands: being a calendar of Jewish cases extracted from the records of the
Canariote inquisition in the collection of the Marquess of Bute translated from the Spanish
and edited with an introduction and notes by Lucien Wolf.
London: Ballantyne & Co., 1926.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
964.9 Jews
El Arcabuz, civil registration birth records 1925 to 1930 by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: M. Garza, 2015.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.12 Arcabuz Births
El Arcabuz, civil registry death records 1925 to 2000 by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: M. Garza, 2017.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.12 Arcabuz Deaths
El Arcabuz, civil registry marriage records 1925 to 1950 by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: Moises Garza, 2016.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.12 Arcabuz Marriages
Baptisms of Guerrero (Revilla), Tamaulipas, 1751-1876 by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: M. Garza, 2020.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.12 Guerrero Baptisms 1751-1876
Baptisms of Los Aldamas, 1888-1945 edited by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: M. Garza, 2020.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.13 Aldamas Baptisms 1888-1945
Baptisms of Dr. Coss, 1927-1945 by Moises Garza.
Mission, Tex.: M. Garza, 2020.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.13 Dr. Coss Baptisms 1927-1945
Los Adaes: the first capital of Spanish Texas by Francis X. Galán.
College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2020.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
976.4 Galan
A History of the second world war: a memorial, a remembrance, an appreciation … Fighting men of Texas.
Dallas, Tex.: Historical Pub. Co.,1948.
(Donated by Sylvia Churchman)
976.406 History v.4
The Bicentennial commemorative history of Nacogdoches.
Nacogdoches, Tex.: Nacogdoches Jaycees, 1976.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
976.4812 Bicentennial
Shawls, crinolines, filigree by Carmen Espinosa.
El Paso, Tex.: Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso, 1970.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.9 Espinosa
Literacy, education, and society in New Mexico 1693-1821 by Bernardo P. Gallegos.
Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.902 Gallegos
Vicente de Zaldivar’s services to the crown: the probanza de méritos (1600) edited, translated,
and annotated by Sonia Kania.
Dallas, Tex.: William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University,
(Donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.902 Zaldivar
Albuquerque’s far South Valley: Pajarito and Los Padillas by Francelle E. Alexander.
Los Ranchos, New Mexico: Rio Grande Books, 2022.
(Donated by Charles Dibrell Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.961 Alexander
Vicente Silva & his 40 bandits by Manuel C. de Baca; translation by Lane Kauffmann;
illustrations by Fanita Lanier.
Washington: E. McLean,1947.
(Donated by Henrietta Martinez Christmas)
Biography Silva

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