Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | March-April 2022

compiled by Lisa Kindrick, Genealogy Librarianthe Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County

German immigrants in American church records / editor, Roger P. Minert, compilers, Jennifer A. Anderson [et al.] Rockport, ME.: Picton Press, 2005-2022. We added volumes 34-36 for Louisville, Kentucky. 285.1 German

How to read a dress: a guide to changing fashion from the 16 th to the 21 st century/ Lydia Edwards. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. (donated by Charles Dibrell Chapter of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution) 391 Edwards

Abbey – Ashman, two colonial and pioneering families of North America. Volume 1. The American colonists: Abbe/Abbey and allied families from beginnings in England to the American Revolution / Margaret Abbey (Ashman) Shannon. Albuquerque, NM: Copper Ave. Press, c2021. (donated by author Molly Shannon) 929.2 Abbey

Elizabeth P. Simpson: menu for success / by Betty Huning Hinton with Elizabeth P. Simpson. [Albuquerque, N.M.?] : B.H. Hinton, c1989. (donated by Debbie Butcher) 929.2 Simpson (Vertical File)

History of the Jan Zwier family: ancestors and descendants of Jan Zwier (1837-1908) and Winjntje De Jong (1859-1930) / by Andrew P. Voss and Ann Zwier Ofsink. [no location]: [no publisher], 2022. (donated by author Andrew P. Voss) 929.2 Zwier

Palos, fajas y jaqueles: la fusíon de armerías en Galicia durante los siglos XIII al XVI [Spanish language] / Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés; ilustraciones, Xosé Antόn García G. Ledo. Lugo : Diputaciόn Provincial, 1996. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 929.646 Galicia

Los americanos en las órdenes nobiliarias (1529-1900) [Spanish language] / Guillermo Lohmann Villena. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto “Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo”, 1947. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 929.76 Lohmann 2 volumes

Go listen to the crofters: the Napier Commission and crofting a century ago/ A.D. Cameron. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis: Acair, 1986. (donated by Jane Witter) 941.1 Cameron

Marriage in Ireland, 1660-1925 / Maria Luddy, University of Warwick, Mary O’Dowd, Queen’s University Belfast. Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 941.5 Luddy

Map guide to German parish registers / Kevan M. Hansen. Family Roots Publishing. We added v. 62. Cities of Frankfurt am main and Stuttgart — v. 63. City of Strasbourg – v. 64. Cities of Hanover and Magdeburg — v. 65. Cities of Danzig and Konigsberg. 943 Hansen

A compendium of 4,000 German middle class citizens, 1250-1850. volume one / Frederick George Siler. Orting, WA: Family Roots Publishing, 2022. 943 Siler v.1

Austrian family history research: sources and methodologies / Roger P. Minert, Charlotte Noelle Champenois Orting, WA: Family Roots Publishing Co., LLC, 2019. 943.6 Minert

La nobleza gallega en la baja Edad Media [Spanish language] / José Garcia Oro Santiago de Copostela : Bibliófilos Gallegos, 1981. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.1 Garcia

Mujeres con poder en la Galicia medieval (siglos XIII-XV): estudios, biografías y documentos [Spanish language] / edición, Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés [Madrid]: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia: Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, 2017. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.1 Mujeres

Sumario de la descendencia de los condes de Monte Rey, señores de la Casa de Viezma y Ulloa / por Baltasar de Zúñiga; edición, prólogo y notas de Agustín D. Diéguez Delgado Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas : [Santiago de Compostela]: Xunta de Galicia : Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, 2016. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.1 Zuniga

La Casa del Re de Castilla y León en la Edad Media [Spanish language] / Jaime de Salazar y Acha. Madrid : Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2021. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.2 Salazar

Documentación histórica del Archivo Municipal de Cáceres, 1475-1504 [Spanish languages] / Maria Dolores Garcia Olivia. [Cáceres]: Institución Cultural “El Brocense” de la Excma. Duutación Provincial de Cáceres, 1988. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.28 Archivo

Nobiliario de Segovia [Spanish language] / Jesus Larios Martin. Larios Martín, Jesús [Segovia] Instituto Diego de Colmenares, Patronato José María Quadrado, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, [1956-1959]. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 946.3 Nobiliario 5 volumes

The Franciscans in colonial Mexico / edited by Thomas M. Cohen, Jay T. Harrison, and David Rex Galindo. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press; Oceanside, California: and the Academy of American Franciscan History, 2021. 972.02

Franciscans Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia [Spanish language] / Mariano González-Leal. González-Leal, Mariano. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Gobierno de Jalisco, Secretaría General de Gobierno, Dirección de Publicaciones, 2010-2011. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 972.3 Gonzales 10 volumes

Andariegos y pobladores : Nueva Espańa y Nueva Galicia : siglo XVI [Spanish language] / José Miguel Romero de Solis. Zamora, Michoacán: El Colegio de Michoacán; Colima: Archivo Histórico del Municipio de Colima: Universidad de Colima; México [City]: Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artas, 2001. (donated by New Mexico Genealogical Society) 972.36 Romero

Colorado, 1870-2000 / historical landscape photography by William Henry Jackson, contemporary rephotography by John Fielder ; text by Ed Marston ; foreword by Eric Paddock ; afterword by Rodrick Frazier Nash. Englewood, Colo.: Westcliffe Publishers, 1999. 978.8 Jackson (Oversize)

The Albuquerque Genealogical Society’s first fifty years : a retrospective (1972-2022) / compiled and edited by Lynda Engle Katonak, Michael A. Blackledge, Stuart E. Murray, Michael L. Wilson. Albuquerque, N.M.: Copper Ave. Pres, 2022. (donated by the Albuquerque Genealogical Society) 978.96105 AGS

Stornoway, Isle of Lewis: Acair, 1986. (donated by Jane Witter) 941.1 Cameron Marriage in Ireland, 1660-1925 / Maria Luddy, University of Warwick, Mary O’Dowd, Queen’s University Belfast. Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 941.5 Luddy

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