Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | June-August 2022

compiled by Lisa Kindrick, Genealogy Librarianthe Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County


Six frigates: the epic history of the founding of the U.S Navy by Ian W. Toll.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2006.
(Donated by RJ Korback)
359 Toll

Family History

Our grandfathers’ grandfather, their journey north: the Apodaca family, an untold story by Barbara Sanchez-Martin.
[Place of publication not identified]: Barbara Sanchez-Martin, 2021.
(Donated by Barbara Martin–Sanchez)
929.2 Apodaca

Winkler-Feeney & allied families: Rowland, Gleghorn, Horan, Hill compiled by Everett Chester Winkler, James Gates Winkler and William Chester Winkler; completed by Rosemary McNerney Winkler.
Albuquerque, N.M.: Rosemary M. Winkler, 2022.
(Donated by Rosemary Winkler)
929.2 Winkler

Names and Nobility

Oxford dictionary of family names of Ireland by Kay Muhr, Liam Ó hAisibéil.
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021.
929.42 Irish Oxford

Sword, miter, and cloister: nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198 by Constance Brittain Bouchard.
Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1987.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
929.74 Bouchard


Pleitos de hidalguia: extracto de sus expedientes, que se conservan en el Archivo de la Real Chancilleria de Granada extractados y ordenados bajo la direccion de Manuel Ladron de Guevara e Isasa.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguia.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Pleitos Granada (11 volumes)

Pleitos de hidalguia: que se conservan en en el Archivo de la Real Chancilleria de Valladolid (extracto de sus expedientes) extractados y ordenados baja la direccion de Manuel Ladron de Guevara e Isasa.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguia, Hidalgos de Espana.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Pleitos Valladolid (10 volumes)

Tierra y familia en la España meridional, siglos XIII-XIX: formas de organización doméstica y reproducción social edited by Francisco García González.
[Murcia]: Universidad de Murcia, Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, 1998.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946 Tierra

El linaje de los Velasco y la ciudad de Burgos, 1379-1474: identidad y poder politico by Alicia Montero Málaga.
Madrid: Ediciones de La Ergástula, 2012.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.3 Montero

Procesos de infanzonía de la Real Audiencia de Aragón: que se conservan en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza extractados y ordenados bajo la dirección de Manuel Pardo de Vera y Díaz por María Luisa Martínez Gimeno, Daniel Jimeno Uriel, Sandra de la Torre Gonzalo.
Madrid: Ediciones Hidalguía, 2012.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.55 Aragon (3 volumes)

Títulos nobiliarios de Almería by Julio de Atienza y Navajas, barón de Cobos de Belchite, y Adolfo Barredo de Valenzuela.
Madrid: Hidalguía, 1982.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.81 Atienza

La blanca de la carne en Sevilla by José Díaz de Noriega y Pubul.
Madrid: Hidalguía,1975-1977.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
946.86 Diaz (4 volumes)


Composición demográfica de Nombre de Dios, Durango: siglo XVII by Luis Carlos Quiñones Hernández.
Durango, México: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, 2002.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.15 Quinones

Hacienda and market in eighteenth-century Mexico: the rural economy of the Guadalajara region, 1675-1820 by Eric Van Young.
Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.35 Young

Clérigos, encomenderos, mercaderes y arrieros en Colima de la Nueva España (1523-1600) by José Miguel Romero de Solís.
Colima, Col.: Archivo Histórico del Municipio de Colima: Universidad de Colima; Zamora, Mich.: Colegio de Michoacán, 2008.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.36 Romero

Michoacán en el otoño del siglo XVII by Alberto Carrillo Cázares.
Zamora, Mich.: El Colegio de Michoacán: El Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán, 1993.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.37 Carrillo

Estudios michoacanos VII coordinated by Francisco Javier Meyer Cosío.
Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, 1997.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
972.37 Estudios


Mayflower families through five generations: Family of Richard Warren : descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Compiled by Robert S. Wakefield; updated by John Bradley Arthaud, Jane Fletcher Fiske, and Judith Haddock Swan. 2nd edition
Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2011.
(Donated by Carl Malone)
974.4 Mayflower v. 18 pt. 2

Carlisle, composite community: historical facts concerning the settlers in present Carlisle, Massachusetts, in the colonial period by Donald A. Lapham.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
974.44 Carlisle

New York

Ahnentafel charts of CNYGS members
Syracuse, NY: Central New York Genealogical Society, 2021.
974.765 Central


History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1770-1878: with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers by David Craft. Towanda, Pa.: Bradford County Historical Society, 1992.
974.857 Craft

Our boys in blue: heroic deeds, sketches and reminiscences of Bradford County soldiers in the Civil War by Clement Ferdinand Heverly.
Sayre, Pa.: Murrelle Printing, 1998.
974.857 Heverly

History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1891-1995 by Henry G. Farley.
United States: Curtis Media, Inc., 1996.
974.857 History

Bradford County, Pennsylvania: a chronology of history, 1924-1975 compiled by Lynn Ashton Merrill, Jr. Revised edition with index.
Towanda, Pa.: Bradford County Historical Society, 1988.
974.857 Merril

Harrold Zion Lutheran Cemetery and Church funeral record, Hempfield Township, 1885-1996 by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa.: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1997.
974.881 Cemetery v.2

St. John’s Reformed Cemetery, Harrolds, Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, 1890-1999 by Ann Deneke.
Greensburg, Pa.: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society,
1999. 974.881 Cemetery v.3

Feightner Cemetery, a.k.a. Scheibler, Truxal and now Central, 1792-1996 read by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa.: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1996.
974.881 Cemetery v.4

Salem Lutheran Church, Delmont, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania: parish records 1850-1876 by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa.: Paul Miller Ruff, Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1999.
974.881 German Salem

St. James Lutheran Church, Ligonier, Westmoreland County 1817-1851 by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa: Paul Miller Ruff, Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1991.
974.881 German St. James (2 volumes)

Zion Church Lutheran and Reformed, East Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, parish records. Part II, 1820-1884 translated, compiled, edited, and published by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa.: Paul Miller Ruff, Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 199-
974.881 German Zion

Tax lists of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania: Mount Pleasant Township, 1811-1815 edited by Paul Miller Ruff; compiled by Marjorie McNair & Dorothy Philbrick for Baltzer Meyer Guild of Westmoreland County Historical Society.
Greensburg, Pa.: Baltzer Meyer Guild, 1995.
974.881 Tax

The parish records of Hebron Lutheran Church, Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, part 1, 1827-1880 by Paul Miller Ruff.
Greensburg, Pa.: Paul Miller Ruff, Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1995.
974.889 Hebron pt. 1

New Mexico

Pueblos, plains & province: New Mexico in the seventeenth century by Joseph P. Sánchez.
Louisville, Colorado: University Press of Colorado, 2021.
(Donated by Charles Dibrell Chapter National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.902 Sanchez

New Mexico marriages, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Springer, 1882-1895 extracted and transcribed by members of the New Mexico Genealogical Society.
Albuquerque, N.M.: New Mexico Genealogical Society, 2022.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.922 Springer Marriages 1882-1895

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