Genealogy Center | Select Recent Acquisitions | January-February 2024

Compiled by Lisa Kindrick and Laura Chapin. Sorted by call number.

The Hebrew Portuguese nations in Antwerp and London at the time of Charles V and Henry
VIII: new documents and interpretations by Aron di Leone Leoni.
Jersey City, N.J.: KTAV Pub., 2005.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
305.8924 Di Leone
New Mexico state business directory: including El Paso, Texas, with Denver and foreign
Denver: Gazetter Pub. Co., 1919.
(Donated by Nancy Tucker)
917.89 New 1919
“A tree fell,” its’ roots survived: a genealogy and historical commentary of the Claiborne,
Clayborn, Clavon and Claven families of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Michigan and
more by Bruce C. Ford Sr.
Bruce C. Ford, 2011.
(Donated by Author)
929.2 Claiborne
Oysterville: roads to grandpa’s village by Willard R. Espy
University of Washington Press, 1992.
929.2 Epsy
The Burrito Lady: Consuelo Flores of El Puerto de Luna by Daniel B. Flores,
[United States]: [publisher not identified], 2023.
929.2 Florez
‘Irris gave us hope … in the future’: ‘no stopping, no standing, no parking … keep moving’ by
Hope E. Facen-Ford.
[Michigan]: Hope E. Facen-Ford, 2020.
(Donated by Author)
929.2 Harris
William and Jean Herrick, pioneering New Mexicans: the Herrick family words and photographs
as they lived and developed their lives in early 1900s New Mexico by Michael Spiller.
929.2 Herrick
An Index of the Ishams in England and America: nine hundred years of history and genealogy
compiled by Edward Paul Isham
E.P. Isham, 1984.
929.2 Isom
Linder Place names: a reconnaissance by Harold Linder.
Harold Linder, 2023.
(Donated by Author)
929.2 Linder
The Nemecek Legacy by Marjorie Townley Thomas
Oklahoma City, Okla., Marjorie Townley Thomas, 1998.
(Donated by Michael M. Thomas)
929.2 Nemecek
The Old Breed: history of the First Marine Division in World War II by George McMillan
Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1949.
(Donated by Michael M. Thomas)
940.5412 Marine
Linajes de Salamanca by José Sánchez Vaquero.
Salamanca: Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia, 2001.
(Donated by NMGS)
946.2 Salamanca
History of Leeds and Grenville by Thaddeus William Henry Leavitt
Belleville, Ontario: Mika Publ. Co., 1986.
(Donated by Beverly McNeil Warburton)
971.3 Leavitt
Copy of the old records of the town of Duxbury, Mass., from 1642 to 1770.
Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1992.
(Donated by Margery Brown Lewis)
974.482 Duxbury
History of the Town of Conesus, Livingston County, N.Y.: from its first settlement in 1793 to
1887, with brief genealogical record of the Conesus families by William P. Boyd.
Conesus, NY: Conesus Historical Society, 1977.
(Donated by Beverly McNeil Warburton)
974.785 Conesus
Jasper County, Mississippi tax rolls, 1834-1856 by Jean Strickland.
Moss Point, MS (P.O. Box 5147, Moss Point 39563): J. Strickland, 1990.
(Donated by Beverly McNeil Warburton)
976.2575 Tax 1834-1856
The Chandler area: its history and people,1880-1980, by Chandler Historical Society (Tex.)
Chandler, Tex.: Chandler Historical Society, 1981.
(Donated by Beverly McNeil Warburton)
976.4227 Chandler
Kentucky pioneer genealogy and records volumes 4 & 6.
Utica, KY: McDowell Publications, 1981-1982.
(Donated by Beverly McNeil Warburton)
976.905 Kentucky
Dutch in Michigan by Larry Ten Harmsel.
East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2002.
(Donated by Peter Ives)
977.4 Ten
Historic Catholic Churches of Central and Southern New Mexico by David Policansky.
Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2022.
978.9 Catholic Policansky
Sprit of Freedom: a salute to area World II veterans: commemorative edition of the Freedom
Newspapers of New Mexico.
Clovis, N.M.: Freedom Newspapers of New Mexico, 2005.
(Donated by Nancy Tucker)
978.9 Maps-Graphics
Heroes and villains of New Mexico: a collection of true stories by Bud Russo.
Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2018.
978.9 Russo
Slavery in the Southwest: Genízaro identity, dignity and the law by Bill Piatt.
Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2019.
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.9004 Piatt
New Mexico heroines of the twentieth century: role models for today by Ron Hamm.
Santa Fe, New Mexico: Sunstone Press, 2021.
978.90082 Hamm
History of the New Mexico State Organization of the National Society, Daughters of the
American Revolution, by Daughters of the American Revolution. New Mexico State
Organization. v.4 1987-2002 and v.5 2003-2021.
(Donated by Lew Wallace Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
978.906 DAR
Blackdom, New Mexico: the significance of the Afro-Frontier, 1900-1930 by Timothy E. Nelson.
Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 2023.
978.943 Nelson
New Mexico baptisms, San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, 1799-1829 by Henrietta
Martinez Christmas.
Albuquerque, N.M.: New Mexico Genealogical Society.
(Donated by the New Mexico Genealogical Society)
978.952 San Juan Baptisms 1799-1829

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